Hi Friends,
For this newsletter, we are suggesting a set of resources for your summer reading. We are including a few additional articles on ‘why community gardens can be difficult’, to complement the wider conversations about how cool the community gardens are - both our own and others!
Every Bone a Prayer - Ashley Blooms
What You Are Getting Wrong about Appalachia - Elizabeth Catte
Sugar Run - Mesha Maren
Affrilachia: Poems - Frank X Walker
How America Became a City on a Hill - National Endowment for democracy
5 Challenges in Managing a Community Garden and How to Plow Through Them - See What Grows
A Garden Is The Frontline In The Fight Against Racial Inequality And Disease - NPR
PAR (Participatory Action Research for Epistemic Rebels) Introductory Workshop - October 30th to November 3rd, 2024 - Sponsored by the Regenerative School, in partnership with the Highlander Research and Education Center, this 4-day workshop will provide an intensive grounding in the theory and practice of participatory action research.
Account-ability Heart-centered Workshop - Sequoia Samanvaya - Bringing heart medicine into accounting: intertwining colonial histories, practical skills and spaciousness, and heart-centered circle practices.
This pilot workshop focuses on your experience of the previous tax day and your Q1 and Q2.
The ReMembering Course - Sequoia Samanvaya - Info Session (September 10) - We introduce ReMembering as a practice and the foundational set of teachings embodied in the The ReMembering Course, a 12 session, 24-week online experience. To embark on the ReMembering Course is to travel on journey across time and space into the interconnected roots of the symptoms of the dis-eases (climate change, racism, and other forms of disconnection, othering, and familial crises of well-being) which we originate in the cosmovisions embedded and enacted in the Doctrine of Discovery and the European Witch Hunts. Unlearn, attend to inner and outer codes, and reMember truths and patterns largely dis-membered in conventional educational spaces. The informational webinar looks at why this material matters, including hearing from former participants, what it entails, and how you can participate in this Course.
Episode 37: The Low Road and the High Road: Alastair McIntosh and Some Wisdom from Scottish Land Reform and Waterways - The ReMembering and ReEnchanting Podcast
At The Community Garden, It's Community That's The Hard Part -NPR
election time with Ash-Lee Woodward Henderson - How to Survive the End of the World
Lughnasadh Special with Scottish storyteller Daniel Allison - Fair Folk Podcast
Janine Benyus and Azita Ardakani Walton — On Nature's Wisdom for Humanity
On Being with Krista Tippett